
The OPPA partners follow different pricing schemes, reflecting their different funding sources and cost structures. A researcher contemplating the data collection in two or more panels of the OPPA partners therefore needs to be aware of the way costs of fieldwork are calculated in the different panels.

GESIS Panel: Pricing includes testing and finalizing the survey instrument based upon an electronic draft questionnaire provided by the research team (according to GESIS Panel Styleguide Standards), collecting data, supervision of the fieldwork, and providing you with a final data set and codebook. Data are linked to all variables which are available in the GESIS Panel Standard Edition.

Costs for using the GESIS Panel are equal to € 1.00 per respondent per minute (plus VAT, if applicable), with a minimum amount of € 3.000 (plus VAT, if applicable). Translation of non-German draft questionnaires will be charged at a market rate, and depends on the length and complexity of the questionnaire. Translation will be carried out by a professional translation agency. Extra services will be charged according to current GESIS rates for external consultation projects.

LISS Panel: Pricing includes programming and testing, and finalizing the survey instrument based upon a draft questionnaire provided by the research team, selecting the survey sample, collecting data, supervision of the fieldwork, and providing you with a final data set and codebook. Data can be linked to all variables which are available, free of charge, in the LISS Data Archive. Costs for using the LISS panel are equal to € 1.00 per respondent per minute, with a minimum amount of € 3.000 (plus VAT, if applicable). Translation of non-Dutch draft questionnaires will be charged at a market rate, and depends on the length and complexity of the questionnaire. Translation will be carried out by a professional translation agency.

UAS: Pricing includes programming and testing, and finalizing your draft survey instrument, selecting the survey sample, translating the instrument into Spanish, collecting data, and providing you with a final weighted data set and codebook. We are happy to provide an estimate of cost of your project in advance, based upon a draft questionnaire. Basic pricing plus $2000 handling is:

  • $3/per study participant/per minute for the first 500 participants
  • $2.50/per study participant/per minute for the next 500
  • $2/per study participant/per minute for 1000+

Note that a rich set of background variables on the respondents is already available and hence are added to your data free of charge; you can also link your newly collected data with several hours worth of existing information on economic, health, and psychological variables.

Note: 2,000 panel members will be invited to participate in the survey. Response rates have been around 50% in the past, but we do not guarantee the number of completed questionnaires.

Due to limitations of survey length and frequency, our committee reserves the right to reject survey items (in which case there will be no charge to the researcher, of course). Priority may be given to projects conducting the same survey with other OPPA members.

Partial or complete fee waivers are possible, especially for researchers with unfunded projects. Researchers wishing to apply for a fee waiver will be asked to submit information about why a fee waiver is needed, including an explanation of their project’s financial situation and importance.

The teams of experts associated with the OPPA studies are also available to provide a wide range of other services: survey development and questionnaire design, item/survey testing, human subjects research advice, application development, visual displays, graphical Interface, sample management design, data cleaning, and data analysis. Contact us for project-specific estimates of costs for these services.
