Study Proposal Submission

Every researcher, research group or policy maker can use the Open Probability-based Panel Alliance (OPPA) affiliated panels in paid assignment. A study can be fielded in any combination of the panels at the researcher’s discretion. For instance, researchers might choose to field a survey either in a subset of national panels (e.g., Germany and the USA only), or to make use of the entire OPPA network.

Requests for fielding survey-based projects can be submitted throughout the year (without deadline). Depending on the level of study development, two routes to submit proposals are available:

Fully developed studies (including a final questionnaire)

Please email your instrument to our alias,

Partly developed studies (including rough study ideas)

If a study is partly developed and therefore not ready to be submitted as described above, please contact us via

We will be happy to discuss with you how to develop a study that can be fielded in the panels of your choice. This procedure guarantees that the OPPA quality standards to field survey projects are fully met.
